I recently received a text message from my older brother (a current assistant coach in the Ontario Hockey League), outlining his philosophy on leaving a legacy behind. One powerful line stood out and made me think of what it means to aspire in reaching the ultimate goal of one’s inner potential: He said “I try and get one day better everyday!” One day better everyday, a small yet achievable goal centered on work ethic, pride, attention to detail, sacrifice, perseverance, initiative, self-control, confidence and competitive greatness.


One-Day Better Coaching Philosophy:

I am a strength and conditioning coach, not a cheerleader, rep counter, weight loader, or lab technician. I am a motivator, not a babysitter, or boot camp instructor. I will not treat all athletes the same! I will treat athletes the way they deserve and earn to be treated. I believe in determination, sacrifice, attention to detail, respect for those that have walked before me, passion, team spirit, and good old-fashioned sweat and hard work. Lou Holtz once said: “No one has ever drowned in sweat.” I believe there are NO limits to greatness: no ceiling, or rooftop. “I believe that personal greatness is measured against ones own potential, not against someone else on the team or elsewhere” (Wooden). I am not a fad, fashion or preacher. I am an educator, teacher, and role model. I am a Coach!



One day better is an approach that we all can embrace. We can work on these elements each and every day both in the gym and away from the gym. One Day better is a small, yet measurable goal is reaching our inner potential. I use Coach Wooden’s Pyramid of Success as a daily measure of becoming “One Day Better”.

What is your “One Day Better Coaching Philosophy?” How can you attain this and take one step farther to leaving your legacy? It’s the small, intangible elements that leave a mark, a stamp, and a brand of greatness.


Anthony Donskov, MS, CSCS, PES, is a former collegiate and professional hockey player, founder of Donskov Strength and Conditioning Inc., (www.donskovsc.com) and Head Instructor/Director of Off-Ice Strength and Conditioning for Donskov Hockey Development (www.donskovhockey.com). He can be reached at info@donskovsc.com This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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