Anthony Donskov

Anthony Donskov is the founder of DSC where he serves as the Director of Sport Performance. Donskov holds a Masters Degree in Exercise Science & is the author of Physical Preparation for Ice Hockey.

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The Line

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I wish I knew fifteen years ago what I know today.  Not just pertaining to my craft as a Strength Coach, but the valuable life lessons I learned along the way during my career as an athlete!  The importance of realizing inner potential, the necessity of utilizing all resources to their utmost capacity and that “intangibles” are just as important as physical attributes in the journey to success. In fact, the more I look into the process, the more I envision one big assembly line producing specialty vehicles.  The assembly workers (Coaches) ensure that all parts are strategically placed in order for the car (Athlete) to run effectively and efficiently with minimal pit stops.  Each car is different so each worker (Coach) has an important job in the final construction.  Care, concern, and attention to detail are just a few qualities of a good line worker (Coach).  Nobody wants a car that constantly breaks down, is missing an engine or won’t start. 



From my experience, the most important element in construction does not lie on the line. It’s the intangibles that make the car (athlete): attitude, work ethic, discipline, dedication, desire and passion.  I have been on both sides of the coin as a Coach and an athlete!  During my career in hockey, I have witnessed “wasted” talent, untapped potential, unused (or not fully utilized) resources and final destinations never reached rarely due to physical breakdown but due to poor choices, poor decisions and plain laziness.  As a Strength Coach, I now sit on the line prepared to build one of a kind specialty machines carefully constructed for contact, collision and capacity.  The question is are you ready to reach an inner-potential that you may not know existed?  Are you ready to utilize each and every resource in your quest for greatness?  If you fall, are you willing to get up, smile and keep working?  Are you willing to embrace the grind?  Does your attitude reflect your end goal? Are you ready for “the line”?

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