Anthony Donskov
Anthony Donskov is the founder of DSC where he serves as the Director of Sport Performance. Donskov holds a Masters Degree in Exercise Science & is the author of Physical Preparation for Ice Hockey.
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Everything comes at a price! Everything! The question is: are you willing to pay the cost? I call it rent, but you can call it mortgage, time, sacrifice, sweat equity, or today’s price for tomorrow’s return! Success is rented! That’s right…RENTED! It’s not guaranteed, promised, or contractually obligated. There is no allowance, no severance package or golden parachute clause. Dad can’t pay for it, Mom can’t wish it, and you can’t taste it unless YOU pay the price. Payment is due EVERY DAY, not at the end of the month. You can pay rent in weight room hours, film, making good off-ice/field choices, being coachable, a respectable teammate and performing in the face of competition. If you don’t CONSISTENTLY work, you can’t afford to pay the rent. If you can’t afford to pay the rent things get taken from you. Houses, cars, businesses, relationships, contracts, material possession and SUCCESS!
Don’t get too comfortable, kick your feet up, and hang your hat on yesterday’s accomplishments, because the landlord, boss, team, Mortgage Company, wants their money! Have you worked hard enough to afford today’s rent? DO WORK!