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According to the English Dictionary, the definition of a system is:  a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole.”  In order to operate a productive strength and conditioning business, systems MUST be set in place to provide organization, preparedness, structure, and effective, efficient daily operations.  If you don’t have a system in place you don’t have a business, you have a job.  Systems don’t need to be complex or overly difficult, in fact many times the best systems are simple to use and easy to operate.  Systems can be used externally (business marketing,) or internally (facility code).  At Donskov Strength and Conditioning, we currently use/used an internal system for facility set up, exercise design, and exercise feedback/progress.  These are not complex, but allow the business to run smoothly.  Organization is key; your athletes and clients know the difference!  Below are a few of the current internal systems that are used at DSC.

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