It’s that time of year again at DSC. A new batch of young interns has joined our staff in hopes and aspirations of becoming strength and conditioning professionals. Whether the end goal is the University/College setting, or the private sector this experience will help “set the table” for their future endeavors. Over the years our internship program has evolved into a formal application and interview process. Well before an intern sets foot into the confines of our facility, it’s important that our staff feels that he/she will be a good fit for the DSC family. Pulse, passion, and purpose far outweigh diplomas, pre-conceived opinions, and certifications. We have been pretty lucky over the years to have a very good mix of interns, some better than others. Below are five keys for young coaches to have success, and a memorable internship experience in the strength and conditioning field.
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Anthony Donskov
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Donskov Strength and Conditioning
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