The adductors are a series of long muscles that originate in the pubis (pelvis) and insert into the femur (leg). In the sport of ice hockey, their function is to eccentrically decelerate hip extension during push off, while concentrically contracting during swing. In other words, as the player pushes off, the adductors are lengthened. As the player recovers his/her foot, the muscles are shortened. Adductor strains are amongst the most common form of soft tissue injury experienced during competitive ice hockey. Adductor strains are prevalent and accounted for 10% of all injuries (10 of 95) in elite Swedish ice hockey players [1], while others have reported that 43% of injuries (20-47) resulted from adductor strains in elite Finnish ice hockey [2]. In a study from Tyler et al. [3] researchers found that National Hockey League players with adductor to abductor strength ratios of less than 80% were seventeen times more likely to experience an adductor strain. In order to understand these implications, one must dive deeper into the biomechanics of the sport.
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Blog posts tagged in Ice Hockey Injuries
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Adductor strains
Anthony Donskov
Donskov Strength and Conditioning
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Ice Hockey Injuries
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Injury rates in the sport of ice hockey have been investigated by multiple researchers as a means of assessing trends, addressing anatomical areas prone to trauma, and advocating for equipment/rules modification based on inferential findings. The purpose of this article is to a.) define what an injury encompasses in the sport of ice hockey, b.) outline the research pertaining to injury rate computation, c.) reveal anatomical areas that may be exposed to injury at a higher degree during sport competition and d.) briefly outline injury mechanisms and types.